Ingrid Michiels (1969, Zottegem) had an international career, founded travelagencies and later a touroperating activity. Ingrid Michiels obtained the certificate of upholtery (Meubelstoffeerder, Syntra West/Vlaanderen, Roeslare) and has her own line of seating furniture.

Nous cherchons la qualité, l'originalité et l'élégance intemporelle et abordable. On aime les objets spécifiques à une certaine période/style ou atypique pour un certain artiste qui portent une certaine patine.

Nous sommes toujours à la recherche de nouveau stock et souhaitons particulièrement acheter des objets fonctionnels; sièges, luminaires, miroirs, ... pour l'intérieur et l'extérieur de tout style ou époque.

We buy and sell remarkable objects

We came up with 'MAISONBEURRE' as it all started with collecting ceramics I when porcelain was still transported by horse and cart over bumby roads, butter was melted, poured into a tub and the porcelain was immersed in it I

Filip Vercruysse (1968, Gent), founder of MaisonBeurre,  studied film director (Audiovisuele Toepassingen at the KASK, Gent) after a secondary art education (Kunsthumaniora, Gent). After a while in the television world he obtained a marketing degree, had an international career and founded a medical wholesalebusiness. Filip is a collector and dealer. In 2017 he obtained the certificate of antique dealer (Antiekhandelaar, Syntra West/Vlaanderen).